Early Literacy
Parents often come to me with a problem, sometimes it’s the #1 thing on their mind. Their 8 year old cannot say the ‘r’ sound, they are not sure if their 2 year old is speaking enough, or they are concerned about whether their 4 year old will be ready for kindergarten. So, they come to me to help their kids talk.
Did you know that children with a history of preschool speech/language problems are more likely to have difficulty with reading/writing later on? Research has shown a correlation between low speech and language scores of 4 ½ year olds and poor reading test scores as they get older.
The article is here: Preschool speech, language skills, and reading at 7, 9, and 10 years: etiology of the relationship.
The parents I work with often recognize the challenges their child is having with reading and writing early on. This becomes more apparent throughout the primary school years and sometimes it’s hard to know where to turn for help outside of the school system and its resources. So, who can they turn to?
The answer is one parents are often surprised to learn. Reading skills are closely linked to a child’s ability to recognize sounds, understand language, and use language effectively. Meanwhile, writing skills are closely linked to a child’s ability to understand words, and thoughtfully use language to express themselves. If speech & language are at the root of developing reading & writing skills, it makes perfect sense that SLPs are uniquely suited to help with all of it. In fact, it is what we love to do.
If you have more questions and would like to speak to a Speech-Language Pathologist, contact Clearway Speech here, the original Elmira Speech Therapy clinic.
Find ways to support your toddler’s speech and language development through Clearway Speech’s online learning, the ultimate blueprint to Help Your Toddler Talk.